Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | DefaultPaletteToolProviderTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | BusinessObjectFactoryTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.172 |
 | DefaultBusinessObjectTest | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | DeleteToolTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.359 |
 | LinkCreationToolTest | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.094 |
 | MoveToolTest | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.079 |
 | PaletteTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
 | SimplePointCreationToolTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.109 |
 | UpdateToolTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
 | ZoomInToolTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
 | ZoomOutToolTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.032 |
 | testInit | 0 |
 | testDeleteLink | 0 |
 | testDeleteLinkAndCancel | 0 |
 | testDeleteStartReturnedObject | 0 |
 | testCancelDeleteStartReturnedObject | 0 |
 | testDeleteStart | 0 |
 | testDeleteStartAndCancel | 0 |
 | testDeleteEnd | 0 |
 | testDeleteEndAndCancel | 0 |
 | testCenterInstanceAfterExecute | 0 |
 | testCenterInstanceAfterCancel | 0 |
 | testExecute | 0 |
 | testCancel | 0 |
 | testCancelAfterExecute | 0 |
 | testExecute | 0 |
 | testCancel | 0 |
 | testItemsAfterExecute | 0.016 |
 | testModelAfterExecute | 0 |
 | testModelAfterCancel | 0 |
 | testLinkPoints | 0 |
 | testLinkPointsWithTwoLinks | 0 |
 | testDeleteLink | 0 |
 | testLinkPointsWithTwoLinks | 0 |
 | testTestSetup | 0 |
 | testUpdateExecute | 0 |
 | testUpdateExecuteAndCancel | 0 |
 | testConstructor | 0 |
 | testAddPoint | 0 |
 | testRemovePoint | 0 |
 | testFieldNames | 0 |
 | testCopyFieldValues | 0 |
 | testCopyFieldValuesWithNull | 0 |
 | testReferenceThroughSetReference | 0 |
 | testReferenceThroughSetStartAndEnd | 0 |
 | testSize | 0 |
 | testCenter | 0 |
 | testXMLReferenceEmpty | 0 |
 | testXMLReference | 0 |
 | testXMLReferenceEnd | 0 |
 | testSetReferenceStartNull | 0 |
 | testSetReferenceStartNotNull | 0 |
 | testSetReferenceEndNull | 0 |
 | testSetReferenceEndNotNull | 0 |
 | testSetReferenceUnknown | 0 |
 | testLabelSet | 0 |
 | testLabelSetThroughFieldName | 0 |
 | testLabelListener | 0.015 |
 | testGetLinkEnd | 0 |
 | testLinkCreationFromXML | 0.047 |
 | testGetPoints | 0 |
 | testGetPointsNull | 0 |
 | testGetPointsThroughFieldValue | 0 |
 | testGetPointsThroughFieldValueNull | 0 |
 | testSetFieldValueForPoints | 0 |
 | testBuildPoint | 0 |
 | testSetPointsWithString | 0.015 |
 | testSetPointsWithString2 | 0 |
 | testGetXMLWithPoints | 0 |
 | testGetLinksFromBusinessObject | 0 |
 | testGetLinksToBusinessObject | 0 |
 | testReferencingBos | 0 |
 | testGetBusinessObjects | 0 |
 | testGetBusinessObjectByIdWithoutBo | 0 |
 | testGetBusinessObjectByIdFirst | 0 |
 | testGetBusinessObjectByIdSecond | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjects | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjectsWithTwoChilds | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjectsWithTwoRoots | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjectsWithThreeInLine | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjectsWithLink | 0 |
 | testGetSortedBusinessObjectsWithLinks | 0 |
 | testRemoveReference | 0 |
 | testRemoveCircularReference | 0 |
 | testAdd | 0 |
 | testModelSingleObject | 0 |
 | testModelDoubleObjectSameCategory | 0 |
 | testModelDoubleObjectDifferentCategory | 0 |
 | testRemoveLinkedBusinessObject | 0 |
 | testRemoveQuietLinkedBusinessObject | 0 |
 | testRealLinkEnd | 0 |
 | testRealLinkStart | 0 |
 | testRootLinkUnique | 0 |
 | testRootLink | 0 |
 | testIsBusinessObjectPublic | 0 |
 | testAdjustXML | 0 |
 | testXMLSize | 0.016 |
 | testXMLLinkContent | 0 |
 | testRegister | 0 |
 | testUnregister | 0.015 |
 | testLoadProgressAtInit | 0 |
 | testSetLoadCompleted | 0.015 |
 | testVerticalScrollBarValueAtInit | 0 |
 | testHorizontalScrollBarValueAtInit | 0.016 |
 | testZoomFactorAfterInit | 0.016 |
 | testWorkAreaContent | 0.016 |
 | testRemoveLink | 0.015 |
 | testRemoveStart | 0.016 |
 | testRemoveEnd | 0.016 |
 | testItemFactoryCount | 0.015 |
 | testItemFactoryBo1 | 0.078 |
 | testItemFactoryBo2 | 0.016 |
 | testItemFactoryLink | 0.016 |
 | testMoveToolSelection | 0.031 |
 | testDeleteToolSelection | 0.094 |
 | testConfigWithoutPalette | 0.015 |
 | testConfigWithoutHistoricPanel | 0.016 |
 | testMainPanel | 0.015 |
 | testSetData | 0.032 |
 | testSetDataTwice | 0.031 |
 | testSetPaletteToolProvider | 0.031 |
 | testInitPalette | 0.016 |
 | testSetStaticValues | 0.078 |
 | testSetStaticValuesWithTwoCalls | 0.031 |
 | testSetStaticValuesWithSecondCallThiner | 0.031 |
 | testGetScrollPane | 0.016 |
 | testAddDataFail | 0.016 |
 | testItemFactoryNotFound | 0.031 |
 | testSetup | 0.266 |
 | testWorkAreaConcerned | 0.015 |
 | testItemConcerned | 0.016 |
 | testItemUnder | 0 |
 | testItemPressedAndReleased | 0 |
 | testPressedAndReleasedOnEmptySpace | 0 |
 | testPressedLinkFirstInModelCollection | 0.015 |
 | testPressedLinkSecondInModelCollection | 0 |
 | testLabel | 0.031 |
 | testTooltip | 0 |
 | testStartItemNotSetAtInit | 0 |
 | testEndItemNotSetAtInit | 0 |
 | testIsItemNotConcerned | 0.015 |
 | testIsWorkAreaConcerned | 0 |
 | testItemClickedFirstClick | 0 |
 | testItemClickedSecondClickOnSameItem_CancelProcess | 0 |
 | testItemClickedSecondClick | 0 |
 | testItemClickedThirdClickOnStart | 0 |
 | testBuildBusinessObjectNull | 0 |
 | testBuildBusinessObject | 0.016 |
 | testMove | 0 |
 | testMoveWithZoom | 0 |
 | testWorkAreaConcerned | 0 |
 | testMove | 0.016 |
 | testActionNull | 0 |
 | testActionMove | 0 |
 | testMoveWithoutMove | 0 |
 | testMoveWithoutMove2 | 0.016 |
 | testMoveWithoutMove3 | 0 |
 | testMoveWithoutMove4 | 0 |
 | testMoveWithoutMove5 | 0 |
 | testMoveFar | 0.015 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals1MagneticStepEquals1_1X | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals1MagneticStepEquals1_2X | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals1MagneticStepEquals1_1Y | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals1MagneticStepEquals1_2Y | 0.016 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals2MagneticStepEquals1_1X | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals2MagneticStepEquals1_2X | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals2MagneticStepEquals1_1Y | 0 |
 | testMoveZoomFactorEquals2MagneticStepEquals1_2Y | 0.016 |
 | testMousePressed150x0 | 0.015 |
 | testMousePressed150x100 | 0 |
 | testMousePressed150x100Released | 0 |
 | testMousePressed150x100MouseDragged155x100 | 0.016 |
 | testMousePressed150x100MouseDragged160x100 | 0 |
 | testMousePressed150x100MouseDragged160x100and170x100 | 0.015 |
 | testMousePressed150x100MouseDragged160x100and175x100MagneticGrid10 | 0.063 |
 | testGetButton | 0.016 |
 | testShouldItemRegister | 0 |
 | testShouldWorkAreaRegister | 0 |
 | testManageReleased | 0 |
 | testGetButton | 0.032 |
 | testShouldItemRegister | 0 |
 | testShouldWorkAreaRegister | 0 |
 | testManageReleased | 0 |
 | testLinkStart | 0 |
 | testLinkEnd | 0 |
 | testExtremityStrategy | 0 |
 | testLinkItemCreationWithOnePoint | 0.031 |
 | testModifyStart | 0 |
 | testModifyEnd | 0 |
 | testAcceptUpdate | 0 |
 | testAcceptDelete | 0.015 |
 | testAcceptDeleteOnlyIfIsNotAttachedToSimplePoint | 0 |
 | testGetZoomableLocation | 0 |
 | testGetZoomableLocationZoom2 | 0 |
 | testGetZoomableSize | 0.016 |
 | testGetZoomableSizeZoom2 | 0 |
 | testGetZoomableLocationNW | 0 |
 | testGetZoomableSizeNW | 0 |
 | testIsVisibleTrue | 0 |
 | testIsVisibleFalse | 0 |
 | testIsVisibleFalse2 | 0 |
 | testGetStartCenterInterEndItem1 | 0.016 |
 | testGetEndCenterInterStartItem1 | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeSE | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeNE | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeNW | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeSW | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeE | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeS | 0 |
 | testLocationAndSizeSame | 0 |
 | testConstructor | 0 |
 | testSize | 0 |
 | testCenter | 0 |
 | testId | 0 |
 | testHasReference | 0 |
 | testReferenceNull | 0 |
 | testReference | 0 |
 | testReferences | 0 |
 | testNoSetAfterConstructor | 0 |
 | testCenterModification | 0 |
 | testCenterLocationModification | 0 |
 | testAll | 0 |
 | testXMLNoSet | 0.016 |
 | testXMLSet | 0 |
 | testGetFieldValues | 0 |
 | testCopyFieldValuesFrom | 0 |
 | testCreationThroughFactoryAndZoom1 | 0 |
 | testCreationThroughFactoryAndZoom2 | 0 |
 | testAcceptUpdate | 0 |
 | testAcceptDelete | 0 |
 | testX | 0 |
 | testY | 0 |
 | testWidth | 0 |
 | testHeight | 0 |
 | testExpectedBusinessObjectClass | 0 |
 | testSetExpectedBusinessObjectClass | 0 |
 | testSetExpectedBusinessObjectClassInvalid | 0 |
 | testSetBusinessObject | 0 |
 | testSetBusinessObjectInvalid | 0 |
 | testBounds | 0 |
 | testSizeWithZoom1 | 0.016 |
 | testSizeWithZoom2 | 0 |
 | testSizeWithZoom05 | 0 |
 | testBuildContainerRectangleDisconnected | 0 |
 | testBuildContainerRectangleConnected | 0 |
 | testBuildContainerRectangleIncluded | 0 |
 | testPanelCenter | 0 |
 | testGetMinPanelFrom0Points | 0 |
 | testGetLineRectangleIntersection | 0 |
 | testLineDistanceWithRectangle | 0 |
 | testSegmentDistanceWithLine | 0 |
 | testMove | 0.016 |
 | testNotMove | 0 |
 | testNearestGridPositionGridSetTo1 | 0 |
 | testNearestGridPositionGridSetTo5 | 0 |
 | testIsPointOnGridGridSetTo1 | 0 |
 | testIsPointOnGridGridSetTo2 | 0 |
 | testNewPositionFromMouseDraggedEventGridSetTo1 | 0 |
 | testNewPositionFromMouseDraggedEventGridSetTo2 | 0 |
 | testNewPositionFromMouseDraggedReturnsNull | 0 |
 | testNewPositionFromMouseDraggedSeveralDrags | 0 |